Cats have sharp nails and teeth. The risk of scratches and bites is real. Treat the cats with respect.

Do not pick up the cats

Be gentle and respectful when playing with cats. You may pet the cats. If they wish to be closer to you, they may jump on your lap--if you're lucky! Do not grab the cats or restrain their movement in any way. 

Clean Hands

You will be asked to sanitize your hands before entering the cat room. There is a sink in the Cat Forest for anyone who may prefer to wash their hands. 

Do not feed cats or leave food unattended

We have a strict feeding schedule and diet plan for all our cats. They may not eat any food or treats brought in from the outside. Please watch your drinks at all times. 

Do not disturb cats while they're drinking or eating

Please remain calm and quiet around feeding cats. Do not disturb them or try to feed them yourself. Our cats have been brought from sometimes stressful living situations and our goal is to rehabilitate all of our cats to be calm and social companions. Do not touch or handle the cats' food. 

Please do not wake a cat if it is asleep

The same rules apply as above. Please do not disturb a cat that is sleeping.

No Flash Photography

Photos and videos are always welcome but please ensure you do not use any flash as it can scare the cats. 

Quiet Cat Forest

The cat forest is a QUIET ZONE. Please use your inside voice!


No running is allowed in the cat forest. Do not chase after cats or try to stick your head in cat tunnels, beds or litter boxes. This is the cats’ home and they are free to go wherever they please. 

Parents & Children

There must be one adult present for every two children. We are not a babysitting service. Parents and guardians must be able to adequately supervise their children at all times or will be asked to leave. 

Children under 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

We do not allow children under age 5 in the Cat Forest, including infants. 

Children age 13 - 17 may enter the cat forest unaccompanied.

Failure to follow rules

Catoro has a one-warning policy. Staff at Catoro may issue a warning if any rules are not being followed. If you or your children continue to break our rules, our staff will ask your group to exit the cat room.